La Ventre à Terre

**To the best of our knowledge, this race has been discontinued. We’re keeping discontinued race pages on the site as a historical record and in the hopes that one day, the race will return.**
In the pretty village of Bellevaux, south of Lake Geneva, the ‘Belly to Earth’ race starts at the foot of the La Chèvrerie ski slopes at 1120m. The course takes you to the source of the Brevon River and then climbs to Lake Petetoz at 1435m. You’ll pass the Petetoz pasture with beautiful cottages hidden in the forest, then a traverse gullies to reach the Vesinaz pass at 1802m. The last assault is a steep climb, not used by hikers, directly to the Chalune summit at 2116m. Now here, all that remains is to go down again! The first part is a technical descent to the Foron Pass, then a gentle and more green path through the Petit Souvroz valley. A few kilometers in the forest bring you to the finish of this course.
The shorter race is called the Casse Pieds, meaning ‘Footfall’.