Run the Alps, TMB
Tour du Mont-Blanc
Reviewed by: Scott LaBerge
Run the Alps provided a really great way to tour the TMB while just wearing a running vest, I’m 66 I did the self guided tour with an old friend who I ran the UTMB with 10 Years ago, every thing worked just as they said it would, airport shuttles, bags dropped, room reservations, town and village info. good recommendations of what to see and eat while there, interesting side trips, they are all real pros, it was a perfect experience/adventure for us.
we wanted to run the TMB all in daylight with just a running pack, eat tarts and drink coffee during the days and have something good to eat and a beer or two in the evening
don't wait to long to book this adventure, this kind of experience is so fun if your health and fitness are up to the task.
Having a big adventure without having to worry about all the logistics left me free to just enjoy the Alps in all their beauty, it was a dream come true.