Run the Alps Goes A Little Insane (Inside)
Here’s a truism about European and American trail runners: they don’t always dress the same.
As a friend of mine once said, “Everyone in the US wants to look like Anton Krupicka.” What she meant was: shorts, no shirt, shoes, and– maybe if it’s cold outside– a pair of socks.

Meanwhile, my first few years trail running in Europe, I couldn’t get over the mix of bright colors, compression gear and clothing that was about squeezing every bit of performance out of one’s body.
Though European and US trail running styles have merged somewhat over the years, that’s still broadly true — if, of course, a bit of an oversimplification and stereotype.
Despite our global diversity in tastes, there are some creative brands that are universally adored on both sides of the Atlantic. And one of those is Insane Inside, created by Italian trail runner and ski mountaineering champion Martina Valmassoi.

Martina brings her personality to every item Insane Inside sells. That is to say, colorful, fun, upbeat, supportive and inclusive. Every Insane Inside item serves to remind us why we trail run– and even, what’s important in life, and that we should never forget to be grateful, and to cheer each other on.
It’s a message and reminder that all of us at Run the Alps love. Underneath the Alps trail running itself, it’s what I think we’re all about.
Now, Run the Alps and Insane Inside are partners.

And like so many trail running projects in the Alps generally, the partnership happened essentially by accident. Our mutual friend, Run the Alps Ambassador Hillary Gerardi, suggested we talk. Run the Alps was looking for a Martina-inspired clothing item or two– and Martina was looking to grow and develop her business.
A winter of conversations ensued, mostly on Whatsapp while Martina was skiing uphill training for a certain event she ticked off this past year:
And, well, here we happily are. Run the Alps is psyched to be a partner with Insane Inside!
There will be more news to come, too– a few Insane Inside-inspired Run the Alps items, and plenty of sharing back and forth of our love of trail running in the Alps. Look for Insane Inside offers to Run the Alps followers and guests, and special trip opportunities for those of you who follow Insane Inside.

So, welcome Insane Inside, and welcome Martina. Here’s to more great, colorful energy and good vibes on the trail, from the Dolomites to Chamonix to, well, wherever you are.
You can visit Insane Inside’s new web site here. For information on wholesale or other partnerships, drop us a note any time.